The educational benefits of the IB

Interviews with IB graduates and teachers

IB Graduates

IB education is a learning environment that can lead me to realize the goals I want to achieve in the future.

Ms. Si-Eun Lee

Ms. Si-Eun Lee

Tokyo Metropolitan International High School, Class of 2018

Case study of preparation to be an IB school and Good examples of implementation of IB curriculum

The IB Consortium has been cooperating with IB schools across the country to make available on the AirCampus, a members-only ICT platform, video interviews and other materials on the introduction of the IB and good practices of IB education at each school. (Registration and use of our AirCampus data-base is free of charge.)

[IB curriculum implementation good examples]


Please access AirCampus to watch the video.

To watch the video, please visit AirCampus (registration required, free of charge)

[Interviews related to the IB Programme introduction]

interview movie

Please access AirCampus to watch the video.

To watch the video, please visit AirCampus (registration required, free of charge)


If you are an educational institution or other organization, we recommend that you register as a member of the consortium, as there are contents on AirCampus that can only be accessed by consortium members. (Registration and usage fees are free.)

Click here to register as a consortium member

Research and survey results by the University of Tsukuba

令和5年度 成果報告書(筑波大学研究チーム)FY2023 Results Report (University of Tsukuba Research Team)

Research and survey results by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO)

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